The Natural Resources (NR) Bachelor of Science degree program provides students with a detailed working knowledge of natural resources, their diversity and interdependence, and the critical relationships between humans and their environment. The program of study is interdisciplinary in nature, encompassing a broad spectrum of coursework, while mixing natural resources disciplines from colleges across campus, to include the Colleges of Agricultural Science, Forestry, Liberal Arts, and Science. Because of its flexibility, this program provides students the opportunity to combine areas of particular personal and/or professional interest, maximizing exposure to key natural resources issues and challenges.
You may find the Natural Resources (NR) program suited to your personal and professional goals if you are interested in taking an interdisciplinary approach to natural resources issues while pursuing careers in areas such as:
- Wildlife Conservation
- Natural Resource Education
- Forester
- Restoration of ecosystems
- Environmental Consulting
- Conservation Law Enforcement
- Environmental Interpretation
- Geographic Information Science
- Fisheries and Marine Science
- Land Use Planning Specialist
- Environmental Policy and Law
Our Academic Advisors will work closely with you to create a degree plan that includes the skills and knowledge desired, while helping prepare you for employment in the field of Natural Resources.
The Natural Resources program at Oregon State University is available via:
- Corvallis Campus
- OSU-Cascades Campus (Bend, Oregon)
- OSU Extended Campus (Ecampus Online Courses)
The Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources curriculum consists of three blocks of study.
- Baccalaureate Core - A standard set of courses that are required for all Oregon State University students. (This section is waived for Post-Bacclaureate Students and those with an Oregon Community College AAOT)
- Natural Resources Major Requirements - Major requirements include foundational courses that will give you a solid background in biophysical sciences, math, statistics and communication. Students will also study the social/political dimensions of natural resources and the management of resources in a broad range of fields including forestry, fisheries and marine science, water resources, land use planning, wildlife conservation and rangelands.
- Natural Resources Specialization Option - Focused areas of study that will tailor your degree to your career interests and goals.
Requirements for the degree and the wide range of course choices are included in the Student Advising Guide and are also available in the OSU General Catalog.
Specialization Option
A required block of the Natural Resource major is the Specialization Option. It is in the area of specialization that you will develop disciplinary depth and a focus in an area of study in natural resources that is often preparation for a specific career path. All specialtization options are a minimum or 40 credits with at least 20 of those upper division (300-400 level) credits. Specialization options available to students include:
Conservation Law Enforcement
Ecological Restoration
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Forest Ecosystems
Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
Individualized Specialty (student-designed)
Integrated Conservation Analysis
Landscape Analysis
Natural Resource Education
Policy and Management
Urban Forest Landscapes
Wildland Fire Ecology
The full course availability varies according to which campus you are on. (Corvallis Campus, OSU-Cascades Campus, or Ecampus). In some instances students would need to change campuses or take online classes to complete the option.